Agriculture Export Products and Policies

Join us for an informative event that focuses on the essential strategies and techniques for Agriculture Export Products and Policies






25th Nov 20234


Navi Mumbai


Call or WhatsApp us on 8433720996 

Provide the participant’s name, company affiliation, and contact details, including email address.

Upon confirmation of your registration, you will receive further details regarding the Event location and timing.

Please make sure to attend the event in person and come prepared with any questions you may have for the Q&A session.

Certificate of Participation will be given to participants attended


Exporters, Importers, Manufacturers, Entrepreneurs, Traders are invited to attend this event with the following offers:

  1. AECCI Exclusive Membership Discount: Physical attendees will be eligible for a 70% discount on the total membership fees for their company.
  2. Full Membership Benefits: Participants will enjoy all the benefits associated with their selected membership category.
  3. Discounted Rates for Future Events: Participants will receive discounted rates for upcoming events and seminars.
  4.  Participants will be issued a participation certificate as a recognition of their attendance.

The “Agriculture
Export Products and Policies Seminar” is an informative and engaging event dedicated to shedding light on the intricate world of  agriculture exports, trade policies, and
global opportunities. This seminar   is meticulously crafted to provide
invaluable insights into the agriculture  industry’s export dynamics, challenges,
and the policies that govern it.

Event Highlights:


  • In-Depth Industry Insight: Delve into the agriculture export sector’s latest trends, challenges, and opportunities with industry experts and thought leaders.
  • Policy Discussions: Gain a comprehensive understanding of international trade policies that impact agriculture exports, exploring their implications on the industry.
  • Market Exploration: Explore emerging markets, potential trade partners, and export opportunities for a wide range of agriculture products.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Learn about compliance requirements, quality standards, and best practices for hassle-free exports.
  • Trade Facilitation: Discover how to leverage trade agreements, partnerships, and government incentives for successful
    agriculture exports.
  • Expert Panel: Engage in discussions with experts who have hands-on experience in agriculture exports, providing practical insights.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow professionals, traders, policymakers, and exporters to expand your professional network.
  • Q&A Sessions: Get your questions answered by experts, gaining clarity on export-related matters.

Why Attend:

  • Stay Informed: Stay updated on the latest developments and trends in the agriculture export industry.
  • Networking: Connect with peers, industry experts, and potential collaborators.
  • Business Expansion: Identify new opportunities for expanding your agriculture export business.
  • Policy Understanding: Comprehend the legal and regulatory aspects of international agriculture trade.
  • Expert Guidance: Gain knowledge and insights from experts who have successfully navigated this industry.
  • Problem-Solving: Learn how to tackle common challenges in agriculture exports effectively.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just entering the world of agriculture exports, this seminar promises to equip you with the knowledge and resources needed to thrive in this dynamic and crucial sector. Join us and be a part of this insightful journey into agriculture export products and policies.


Event and Seminar Team of Asian Exporters Chamber Of Commerce and Industry.


   Entrepreneurs         Business            Exporters &            Logistics &       Int. Business          Legal  
                                       Owners              Importers           Supply Chain   Development     Professionals
                                                                                                Professionals      Manager


·   Knowledge Dissemination: To provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the agriculture export industry, including the latest trends, policies, and challenges.

·  Policy Awareness: To educate participants about international trade policies and regulations governing agriculture exports, empowering them to make informed decisions.

·   Market Exploration: To help attendees explore new markets, identify potential trade partners, and understand the export opportunities available in the agriculture sector.

·   Quality Standards: To highlight the importance of adherence to quality standards and compliance requirements for successful agriculture exports.

·  Trade Facilitation: To guide participants on leveraging trade agreements, collaborations, and government support to facilitate smoother agriculture exports.

·  Expert Guidance: To provide a platform for attendees to engage with industry experts and seek practical advice and solutions to export-related challenges.

·  Networking: To facilitate networking opportunities, enabling professionals to connect with peers, experts, and potential business partners in the agriculture export field.

·  Problem-Solving: To equip attendees with the knowledge and skills required to address common issues and challenges faced in agriculture exports effectively.

·  Clarity and Understanding: To enable participants to gain a clearer perspective on the intricacies of the agriculture export industry, reducing ambiguity and uncertainty.

·   Business Expansion: To assist businesses and professionals in identifying growth opportunities and strategies for expanding their presence in the agriculture export sector.

·  Resource Sharing: To provide a platform for the sharing of resources, information, and best practices among industry stakeholders.

·   Informed Decision-Making: To empower participants with the insights needed to make informed decisions and navigate the agriculture export market successfully.


·   By achieving these objectives, the Agriculture Export Products and Policies Seminar aims to foster a more informed, connected, and effective agriculture export community, ultimately contributing to the growth and prosperity of the industry.


The participation fees for the Event are as follows:

  • Early Bird Registration (before the specified date): 20% off
  • Standard Registration: Rs. 7500/- per participants
  • Group Discounts (3 or more): Rs. 6000/– per participant

Please note that the participation fees cover the cost of Seminar materials, refreshments, and certificates of Participation. Kindly refer to the registration details for more information on payment methods and deadlines.

We are excited to have you join us for this offline Seminar and look forward to a productive and engaging learning experience. If you have any additional questions or require further assistance, feel free to contact us.


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